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Author Topic: MAGIC KNIGHT RAYEARTH UJ (japanesse voices with english scripts) NOT RELEASED  (Read 25602 times)


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Magic Knight Rayearth UJ Final Version and Region Free
Avaliable from December 2009 Worldwide :P

Only in- UJ Final version (scroll down to see more info. about both versions):

Region Free means, that you don't have to use Saturn Region Patcher anymore.

World map is displaying now in english (in previous version was in japanesse).

"Hacked" from beggining, so it's in the best possible quality.
And i have used files from image, which is in better quality (http://segahub.org/index.php?topic=4767.0) than in my previous version (http://segahub.org/index.php?topic=4659.0).

I think, that it's now perfect edition, so enjoy!

Sorry for my poor english... but there's always better to write by myself than use translator program ^_^;

Number of archives= 2 & Their size= 346MB & Extension= *.part**.rar, Unpacked size= 509MB & Type of image= iso/wav/cue

Download links (you may use program called jdownloader for download many files automatically; .sfv file is as attachment):

Code: [Select]

Front covers (U & J)

Back covers (U & J)

Discs (U & J)



All audio and video are in japanesse (speeches, voices, videos, music, se, ...) and all texts are in english (scripts, options, diary, ...).

What i've done with the game is below

MKR based on U, but with major differences:

- full japanesse voice acting and all audio is in japanesse,

- all fmvs (videos) are from japan version- better quality and of course no more crappy english voices,

- all texts are in english translated by working designs,

- diary is in english, but do not contains anymore crappy english voices,

- game has the same number of cut-scenes with speeches as in U release (in J release is more),

- and i've replaced extra many files (all J files were taken from image done by alcohol 120% to mdf/mds, which you can download from here),

- image has only one region= E (but of course it's optimized for 60Hz), use SRP (Saturn Region Patcher) to change it if you'll need.

Upgraded in U:

- you can skip any fmv pressing the start button, you can do more saves than in J release(- only three),

- saves from U and J are compatible together, if you have files from J release just press on "Empty File", load one time it, and name of the save file in the next time will be displaying correctly in english.

As you said Clef... everyone can play in the best (not possible to buy) release of Magic Knight Rayearth.
Roaaaaaaaaaah ENJOY with me this game!!!


Code: [Select]

Sega... & Rep_Plus_^-^ !!


Code: [Select]

Action RPG

Some info- part 1 (segagagadomain.com)

Quote from: segagagadomain.com

One if not the first 2D RPGs released for the Sega Saturn way back in 1995 and still looks good now 9 years later.  Magic Knight Rayearth is based on the anime of the same name and even features the original voice talents from the anime as well as cut scenes.  Our three girls adventure starts out as a normal school trip to Tokyo Tower when suddenly they find them selves falling to the ground only to appear in Sefiro, a magical world of mystery and adventure.  The three girls are told that only they can save Sefiro by Kurefu who gives them the powers of the three elements.  Hikaro Shido (the main red haired character) becomes a user of fire, Umi Ryuzaki (blue haired heroine) becomes a user of water whilst finally the soft hearted and shy Fuu Houoji (green haired heroine) becomes a user of wind.  Our heroine's make many friends on their journey including a cute little white rabbit type creature called Mokona (^v^)  Of course when there's heroes there's enemies and Magic Knight Rayearth is no exception.

Magic Knight Rayearth is one of those RPGs were you really become one with the characters and actually feel sadness when something terrible happens.  This is what I believe makes a good RPG.  I've played so many RPGs that I couldn't care less about if the characters died or what ever but in Magic Knight you'll find yourself hoping for the best to happen to your heroine's.  Magic Knight not only boasts a solid story with some well done cut scenes from the actual anime but also an amazing soundtrack being produced by the Saturn's amazing Yamaha sound processor.  Some of the tunes are truly remembered.  The visuals in Magic Knight Rayearth are also way above average for a 9 year old game and still look good compared to some of the Dreamcast's more modern 2D RPGs.  I've played and finished Magic Knight Rayearth three times over the last 9 years.  First in Japanese then the US God Awful edited and badly dubbed version and then again in Japanese.  There's not many RPGs that I'd play more than once so Magic Knight Rayearth must be good !  By the way, it's nothing like the crappy Super Famicom Versions by Tomy.

Some info- part 2 (Saturn Region Patcher)

Quote from: SRP

Saturn TXT Export by SRP v2.1a using "Extended Export" option

Header Information Taken From a Saturn Image :

CD Label : MagicKnightRayearthUJTrack01
Game Title : MAGIC KNIGHT RAYEARTH                                                                                           
Manufacturer ID : SEGA TP T-127
Serial Number : T-12706H
Version : V1.000
Internal Date : 19981103
Device Information : CD-1/1
Area Code(s) : E
Peripheral Code(s) : J
Total Number of Tracks : Unknown
Total Number of Data Tracks : Unknown
Total Number of Audio Tracks : Unknown
Creation Date : 2009/06/08
Creation Time : 12:02:01:00
Modification Date : 2009/06/08
Modification Time : 12:02:01:00
Effective Date : 0000/00/00
Effective Time : 00:00:00:00
Expiration Date : 2009/06/08
Expiration Time : 12:02:01:00

Manually Added Information (Found Directly on the CD) :
CD Made In : ??????????
Matrix Information : ??????????

Full Header :

T-12706H  V1.00019981103CD-1/1 
E               J               

Size of archive, image (type of image)

Code: [Select]

313 MB, 509 MB (iso/wav/cue)

Number of archives: 4

Unpacked: yes, so archive is not corrupted

Download links & Pass

Code: [Select]
Dump from my burned cd-r in img-sub-ccd-x12-stable (quality is almost the same as in corrupted archive):

Archive is propably corrupted...:



ALL FREE PROGS in *.zip, which are useful for Sega Saturn games,
you can download from:

Code: [Select]


Please, if you would be kind enough, use this thread just to say thanks and comment on the game itself.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2009, 05:15:04 PM by Rep_Plus_^-^ »
Problems with Saturn type of images?
Feel free to ask me about it, or go
here(1st) and here(2nd)

My uploads(1st) and Sega Saturn Download Index(2nd)

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my “hacked” releases!


  • 8-Bit
  • Posts: 18
excellent release!


thanks Rep!


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Hihi, when i've created the game i've played about 5 hours in a row in it :o!!
Funny story and sweet characters...nothing more to be happy, ah and addictive gameplay too :).
Problems with Saturn type of images?
Feel free to ask me about it, or go
here(1st) and here(2nd)

My uploads(1st) and Sega Saturn Download Index(2nd)

Click on her to view...
my “hacked” releases!


  • 8-Bit
  • Posts: 6
Dudes, I've downloaded the game but when I use the 7-zip it requires a password...I tried to use Rep_Plus_^-^ as a password but I had no success on this attempt lol...Would anyone tell me what I have to do in order to succesfully extract the 7-zip file?

Elite Evil

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Try it with a space instead of an underscore maybe?
Freedom headquarters!


  • 8-Bit
  • Posts: 6
OMG, I've tried the Rep_Plus_^-^ Password but I still can´t extract the file...I´m almost throwing the towel....Would anyone tell me what´s wrong?? Pleeeeeeease, I´m willing to play it soooooo much!

Elite Evil

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Worked fine for me?

Are you using the latest 7zip?
Freedom headquarters!


  • 8-Bit
  • Posts: 6
OMG...I´m using the 7 zip which I've downloaded from this forum...I tried to use space bar instead of underscore, as you told me , but nothing had happened....I've downloaded the ISO from the second source Rep_Plus_^-^ posted. The first one seems to has 2 corrupted links...
I think I'll try to download them again from the second source, since I can´t do it from the fisrt one =P

http://www.mediafire.com/?5zg4cd2igzw   <------------------- Corrupted LINK!!
http://www.mediafire.com/?ztdfqzzzlxq      <------------------- Corrupted LINK!!

http://www.mediafire.com/?njmq25jmnim             <----     I've downloaded from these Links
http://www.mediafire.com/?ddnwmiyzomi             <----     
http://www.mediafire.com/?zmony1owcen            <----     
http://www.mediafire.com/?zz5itmgjnri                  <----     


  • 8-Bit
  • Posts: 6
Dammit...I´ve downloaded it again and It has the same error...it extracts some files but when it extracts the ISO file, it there's an error about the password


  • 8-Bit
  • Posts: 18
Dammit...I´ve downloaded it again and It has the same error...it extracts some files but when it extracts the ISO file, it there's an error about the password

- Dude, try to download all files with Jdownloader 0.7 (19mb)
Download here http://rapidshare.com/files/269630137/JDownloader_0.7.zip

- Then copy and paste this links in Jdownloader:


- Then join with Join32.exe, simply run this program in the same folder of the files downloaded
Here (44kb) http://www.freebyte.com/download/hj-join.zip

- And finally use the password : Rep_Plus_^-^    (copy in notepad first)

I downloaded and tested, the game it's OK! 8)


the CRC of the files:

      FILES                    CRC
-MKR-UJ-.7z.001     EA72EADB
-MKR-UJ-.7z.002     D570905B
-MKR-UJ-.7z.003     ECB82847
-MKR-UJ-.7z.004     A426AD46

- Use the RapidCRC 0.61 for check your downloaded files
download Here: http://rapidcrc.sourceforge.net/download.html

Good luck! ;)


  • 8-Bit
  • Posts: 6
Oh, man!I´d kiss you if I could!! lol
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!1


  • 8-Bit
  • Posts: 18
Oh, man!I´d kiss you if I could!! lol
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!1

No thanks, I prefer money or some beers ;D

Did it work to you? :-\

The game is awesome ;)

take care bro!


  • 8-Bit
  • Posts: 6
Here I am, bothering you guys AGAAAAAAIN! lol
I thank you guys for teaching me how to extract the ISO file, but I've got another problem: I can´t Burn the ISO  :(
I always use CDRwin to burn my Saturn ISO's but I'm having a problem with this game. This game is not exactly a .bin file! I found a .CCD and a .sub file....and aaaaaalso a  zip file ...I could emulate this game but I couldn't burn it :(
How do I burn this game?Is there any other solution to change it into a .bin file?
Thanks a lot, guys!You Really have a lot of patience since I´m a damm noob lol


  • 8-Bit
  • Posts: 18
Hi again dude!

no problem to help you!

try to burn with ImageBurn 2.5 It's FREE!
download Here (2,1Mb): http://www.imgburn.com/index.php?act=download

has a very friendly user interface.

- Download and then run the program
- Then select "write image file to disc" icon
- In "source" click the folder icon to find the CCD file and select it,
- then click the big icon at the bottom to write.

- finally put your disc in your saturn and enjoy! 8)

Good luck!

The game is for Europe Saturn, is you want to run this in a US saturn,
you must have a region free or action replay cartridge to import the game
and a modchip to run backups!

« Last Edit: August 26, 2009, 12:15:13 AM by manuelink64 »


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Hi guys,
please download new Final Version and Region Free of Magic Knight Rayearth UJ.
As you said Clef... Magic Knight Rayearth will be alive as long as possible, indeed 8)
Yes, it's almost game of the year edition ;) !!
Problems with Saturn type of images?
Feel free to ask me about it, or go
here(1st) and here(2nd)

My uploads(1st) and Sega Saturn Download Index(2nd)

Click on her to view...
my “hacked” releases!


  • 8-Bit
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All links are broken. Someone can fix this?


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    • Segahub
Sorry boys.  This board was poppin off close to a decade ago but now it has slowed down due to the explosion of social media and the ease of communicating in other methods.