Hey guys Just wanted to take the time to say Hi.... It's very refreshing to be among like minded individuals.
Thankyou for all your work, posts, and most of all your passion and dedication to the wonderful DREAMCAST!.
It's nice to not get the shit ripped out of me for enjoying the DC the way I do!...Here's a typical quote from my Buddy's.
"What the Hell are you playing that old school shit for?, You have a 360,WII and ps3 gathering dust,Are you retarded?".
Nice huh? lol, There are many answers and reasons, but one Abbreviation is all I need SHMUP'S!. I fear for my life if word gets out I still rock my 2600 and Vectrex.
Anyhow before I type an entire novel, I shall wrap it up. Keep doing as you do...you are a good bunch. I'll be in touch. Peace.