Y0! Whats up people. Im Mesh. Teh founder of segahub. Well, not really but lemme explain how it all started.
I used to run a site called RomFTP while i used to post on Euroemu and shit. I started talking to Zauth at least once a day and he had this awesome idea about us starting our own forum called Segahub (Yes Zauth thought of the name). As time went on Zauth grew tired of the forum and neglected it greatly. After our first server fail Zauth really didnt give a crap about Segahub by then. I managed to get a new server and set everything back up and start learing how to do torrents and stuff with the help of Edsloter (AKA TheGreatBeast, Owner of DCHaven). As time went on Segahub grew into what it is today. Thank fucking god i landed possibly the greatest fuckin Mods & Admins team probably in the history of emulation forums. After a bunch of server failures and forum corruptions were still online and still pulling strong. Were just one big family that cant be seperated and this site WILL live on forever as long as im still breathing.
Anywho, Thats how it happened. So technically, The site was handed down to me in an odd series of events, And now im running the show along with my awesome fuckin Administration team and all the members that have stuck with us for years because we treat everyone with respect and keep the obnoxious retards out.
Anyway, about me. I was about 14 or 15 when we first started Segahub in around 9th grade i think. Im in College now so that was a WHILE back. Im going to College for Computer Networking and Computer Engineering. I pretty much know everything already so i just play WoW or Stepmania in class. At least in my major courses. I actually have to pay attention in Math because i never did shit in High School (Fucking Nintendo DS).
Im 18 now, Live in Long island New york, Drive a 1994 Buick Lesabre and work at Walgreens Pharmacy night shift. Its a pretty dope job since all i do is stock shelves and i dont have to deal with disgruntled old people all day. Plus they sell Jolt Cola and i get a discount which is a definite plus. I own 9 dreamcasts (4 Sports editions, 5 regulars) Almost every accesory known to man, Countless VGA boxes, Controllers, and other shit. I own every console (In working condition) except for all the Neo-Geo consoles and the extremely rare ones. Im currently in progress of making a MAME cabinet out of a near-mint Centipede cab i found behind a local bowling alley so im excited about that. Im an extremely clean kid (No drugs whatsoever) But i do drink with my friends from time to time. Right now i make money on the side by repairing computers, building custom computers, setting up home networks, Modding 360's and Wii's among other shit.
Anywho, I look at Segahub as one of the greater things in my life and as long as im here its not going anywhere. I put in my time on this forum between reinstalling mods and reinstalling the damn forum and paying for the server for around 2 years. I think it was well worth it because ive met alot of great people and made alot of new friends plus got alot of cool shit in the process. I also learned alot as well from PHP, to soldering, to making selfboot games, ETC.
So yeah, thats pretty much everything.
I dont think some of the newer people on the forum know exactly who i am, So i felt i needed to do this for teh n@@bs ^.^......And anyone else who was wondering who the fuck i am!