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Author Topic: Sehahub IRC on starfusion.org is probably permanently Dead  (Read 2556 times)


  • 8-Bit
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Sehahub IRC on starfusion.org is probably permanently Dead
« on: September 25, 2018, 09:52:18 PM »
Hi, i'm a long time user SegaHub's sister site, 128bit.me, but i'm known as keRacer there. Nice to meet you all.

Anyways, for the last week or so, I have not been able to connect to terra.starusion.org, and neither have other regular users of #segahub been able to connect to the server.

I have created my own IRC server, and I would like to see some of you guys that are still kicking around segahub talk to.

I don't have a domain name for the server yet but the details are:

freedomuniverse.net:6667 and the channel is #segahub

If you don't want to install an irc client, you can join the chat at: http://mibbit.com/#segahub@

When I am not so lazy, i'm going to install a cool web irc called kiwiirc, you guys can install an actual irc client or use mibbit for now though.

Thanks guys!

UPDATE: Domain name.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 12:30:16 AM by LimeVirus »
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Re: Sehahub IRC on starfusion.org is probably permanently Dead
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2018, 02:55:41 AM »
Hey Lime, nice chatting with you today about it. I hope some of regulars of the channel hop in here when they notice it's down and see the new server/channel.


  • 8-Bit
  • Posts: 2
  • The best things in life are free (and open source)
Re: Sehahub IRC on starfusion.org is probably permanently Dead
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2018, 04:14:50 AM »
Yeah, man, nice chatting with you too. So far EliteEvil and EKX have stopped in. :)

You should join too when you get some free time, I know you're busy. :P
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