Yea, um, I don't quite understand how to do collision in SGDK, and I seen Kaneda's (spritesmind)but it didn't really help me too much, and he will be validating me soon he said on twitter, but I just need a better understanding exactly how to implement it into say the sonic example that comes with SGDK or any future project with collision with tiles, and other enemy sprites, action object like to press C to open door's, collect power ups etc, any good code example's? perhaps someone can please create a guide with using SGDK in general from simple tiles to a bit complex such as npc's etc perhaps even saving to a sram?
any help to just get collision in it for now, would be great!
Thanks, a bunch in advance.
oh yea an, I've been pulling my hair out for days trying to figure it out.
I looked every where...