Hi I'm Anthony, and I love Sega stuff more than anything

Favorite console is the Sega Genesis/MD, but I do quite like my, gameboy advance/SP, DS lite, dreamcast, ps2, ps3
I do enjoy pc gaming though as well, and emulating, but nothing like the real deal and playing it, some of the Genesis games I love are the sonic game's 1-4, Jungle strike, Comix Zone, Atomic Runner, and Afterburner/II, I haven't played streets of rage, mortal Kombat and street fighters 2, or any rpg games.
I've recently have gotten involved into wanting to create my own games, and learning some 68k asm, but I really intend on using stef's sgdk, I like it much better, as I'm comfortable with the c syntax as I've used C++ in the past.
going ok, but I have a dead roadblock preventing me from a continuation with the production of my games.
but that isn't what this post is for so I will post this problem in a better suited thread for this.