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Author Topic: lets cut the fuckin bullshit bruhz, whats your favorite SONIC game ever?  (Read 19392 times)


  • Bruh
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sup brehz, im back with another genre defining thread. this time its about sonic the mother fucking hedgehog. i need to know everyone's favorite sonic game ever. you get to choose one as GOAT and then feel free to mention some others that have meaning for you.

one of my most legendary threads on this board had to do with sonic cd so its probably no surprise that sonic cd is my favorite sonic game ever. i got it for my 10th bday back in mutha fuckin 90s and i played that shit for years. the cartoon intro with the sonic boom song, the way each level had 3/4 variants with different tunes, and the awesome fucking bonus stages made sonic cd the king sonic for me. sonic games have some of the best fucking music in them ever and for me CD has the best tunes. the american soundtrack is pretty awesome but holy fuck at the japanese tunes bruh, the japanese soundtrack is easily in my top 5 vgm soundtracks ever. i can literally play sonic cd at any time any year and its as fun as the first time i booted that shit up. some people prefer the faster sonic games like 2 over something that's a little more platform status like CD, but i love the sonic cd experience the most.

my second favorite is probably the original sonic. something about that early era of genesis gives me an erection beyond measure. i find sonic 1 mind blowing because sega needed a mascot for many years and couldn't get anything to work, and then they just hit a fucking grand slam with sonic 1. it wasn't even like they had to build a character over a couple of games and improve things until they had a hit, it was like bam first game instant classic, legendary videogame character. i would love to know what nintendo and miyamoto thought the first time they saw sonic 1, i bet they were like oh fuck now we gotta take these sega guys serious.

ill talk more sonic once you bruhs drop some knowledge on me. let me know your favorite sonic game and some of the other ones you like!!11111

p.s. as most of you bruhs proably know the first ever appearance of sonic was in rad mobile for the arcade, but the first ever home appearance of sonic wasn't even sonic 1, it was some illegal free pc game bullshit in the uk a few months before sonic 1 was released LULZ!!!! https://youtu.be/S5uC0ymZK3s?t=7m38s

« Last Edit: May 27, 2016, 01:28:24 PM by spshortman »


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Probably on my own here, but my favorite sonic game is actually sonic r on saturn. I've even grown fond of the soundtrack.


  • Bruh
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Elite Evil

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Probably on my own here, but my favorite sonic game is actually sonic r on saturn.

Haha, that is a pretty selective club right there!

I would say any of the main 4 sonic games on megadrive. 1,2,3, knuckles or in combination. The best version of sonic 1 is off of sonic jam on the saturn though, as you can spin dash in it. :)
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sonic 2 for game gear. i used to take it to doctors appointments and beat the game while i waited for that slow old fuck to see me.


  • Bruh
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Haha, that is a pretty selective club right there!

I would say any of the main 4 sonic games on megadrive. 1,2,3, knuckles or in combination. The best version of sonic 1 is off of sonic jam on the saturn though, as you can spin dash in it. :)

sonic r has awesome fucking 90s sega cheese music (that bitch could sang bruhs) and maybe the worst controls i can remember. a baller combination!!!!!!!!!!1111111111 and yeah those genesis sonic games are legendary. it would be more fun if you would pick one in particular and crown it elite  ;)

sonic 2 for game gear. i used to take it to doctors appointments and beat the game while i waited for that slow old fuck to see me.

sonic 2 on game gear was a legendary pack in. funny story about your old slow doctor bruh

Elite Evil

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Lets go for sonic and knuckles then. :D Probably the hardest though. Sonic 1 and 2 I could probably complete first go right now, not even sure if I did finish S+K. I think it has a bit more complexity to the levels than sonic 1 and runs a bit better than 2. 3 is cool but I think some of the levels are a bit "messy".
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  • Bruh
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they were really pushing the genesis hardware with sonic 3 and knuckles dude. those games almost look like there on another platform compared to early genesis stuff!


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might have to pick this one up on multiple platforms to support the shit out of it! i smell an nx launch title!!1111

« Last Edit: July 23, 2016, 07:07:24 AM by spshortman »

Elite Evil

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Wait, no big the cat?

I'm out.
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  • Bruh
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big the cat is too busy putting in work on amy to star in videogamez bruh........................................... NOW FUCKIG DANCE!!11!1111111



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If Sega's so into fan service, why can't we have a new Skies of Arcadia or an HD Panzer Dragoon Saga? I'm just not into new Sonic games, they drove the franchise way too far in the ground.


  • Bruh
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this isnt going to be a shitty sonic game bruh. this is ripped straight out of the 90s. it looks like some 32x or saturn 2d sonic we never got. not that sonic 4 garbage they were selling some years back.

too bad segas been producing mixed results and managed poorly since the dreamcast. they could be a heavy hitter out here, cranking out new games from our favorite franchises every year like skies of arcadia etc.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2016, 01:04:34 PM by spshortman »


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Yeah but is this a "new" game? It's supposed to have remixed levels from the OG games, which I've played to death. And alternately if there are new levels I don't trust them to bring it. If sonic team stays far away from it, maybe it will be alright.


  • Bruh
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i don't think sonic team has anything or much to do with it. as a sega fan call me sir its your fucking job to buy this shit and shenmue 3 BRUH!!!11 SEGA NEEDS OUR MONIEZ BRUHZ!!!11 THIS GAME WILL BE TIGHT BRUUHHHZZZZZZ!!!!!

Elite Evil

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If Sega's so into fan service, why can't we have a new Skies of Arcadia or an HD Panzer Dragoon Saga? I'm just not into new Sonic games, they drove the franchise way too far in the ground.

I think they lost the source code to PDS? I remember reading that years ago. Probably just shit someone made up on the internet. :(
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  • Bruh
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some new footage. new awesome zone and another slappin track bruhs:


if you guys dont buy this SHAME ON YOU BRUHZZ!!111
« Last Edit: October 28, 2016, 05:06:01 AM by spshortman »


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Re: lets cut the fuckin bullshit bruhz, whats your favorite SONIC game ever?
« Reply #17 on: November 02, 2016, 09:46:24 AM »
I think Sega really wants to butt heads with Nintendo with the new mini sega genesis coming out, and basically saying "Fuck you Nintendo on throwing shit DMCA's down your fan's throats, ha how you like that! we just hired them, because we can!" and now we have sonic Mania coming soon.
SegaDoes was Nintendon't....


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Re: lets cut the fuckin bullshit bruhz, whats your favorite SONIC game ever?
« Reply #18 on: November 04, 2016, 12:56:12 AM »
If Sega really wanted to take on Nintendo, they should have tried to get anyone other than AtGames to work on the system. AtGames can't even be bothered to implement any form of game saves, which basically makes all my favorite Genesis games unplayable.

Elite Evil

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Re: lets cut the fuckin bullshit bruhz, whats your favorite SONIC game ever?
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2016, 12:30:32 AM »
That sounds pretty pathetic. Genecyst could cope with game saves and save states 20 years ago.
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