sup brehz, im back with another genre defining thread. this time its about sonic the mother fucking hedgehog. i need to know everyone's favorite sonic game ever. you get to choose one as GOAT and then feel free to mention some others that have meaning for you.
one of my most legendary threads on this board had to do with sonic cd so its probably no surprise that sonic cd is my favorite sonic game ever. i got it for my 10th bday back in mutha fuckin 90s and i played that shit for years. the cartoon intro with the sonic boom song, the way each level had 3/4 variants with different tunes, and the awesome fucking bonus stages made sonic cd the king sonic for me. sonic games have some of the best fucking music in them ever and for me CD has the best tunes. the american soundtrack is pretty awesome but holy fuck at the japanese tunes bruh, the japanese soundtrack is easily in my top 5 vgm soundtracks ever. i can literally play sonic cd at any time any year and its as fun as the first time i booted that shit up. some people prefer the faster sonic games like 2 over something that's a little more platform status like CD, but i love the sonic cd experience the most.
my second favorite is probably the original sonic. something about that early era of genesis gives me an erection beyond measure. i find sonic 1 mind blowing because sega needed a mascot for many years and couldn't get anything to work, and then they just hit a fucking grand slam with sonic 1. it wasn't even like they had to build a character over a couple of games and improve things until they had a hit, it was like bam first game instant classic, legendary videogame character. i would love to know what nintendo and miyamoto thought the first time they saw sonic 1, i bet they were like oh fuck now we gotta take these sega guys serious.
ill talk more sonic once you bruhs drop some knowledge on me. let me know your favorite sonic game and some of the other ones you like!!11111
p.s. as most of you bruhs proably know the first ever appearance of sonic was in rad mobile for the arcade, but the first ever home appearance of sonic wasn't even sonic 1, it was some illegal free pc game bullshit in the uk a few months before sonic 1 was released LULZ!!!!