hey guys, a fuck ton of new dreamcast shells have hit the market:
https://www.muramasaentertainment.com/product-category/replacement-components/dreamcast-replacement-components/dreamcast-replacement-cases/i bought a crystal blue dreamcast shell. my dreamcast also has a gdemu clone and that popular fan mod making it very quiet. heres some crappy pics i took:

the fan mod includes a special latch to fit the after market fan and the seller sold me a white latch a couple of years ago. im going to replace the white latch with a black one to make it look just a tiny bit cleaner. the case is translucent so the led just kind of sprays light out of the front of the console but it looks pretty kewl at night. some people go one final step further and replace the power supply with one of these:
https://www.ebay.com/itm/284370404843?hash=item4235cc05eb:g:uscAAOSwHsdg7WUH but i am probably done modding my dreamcast, we'll see maybe ill get bored next year and do the power supply too lulz! the shells are expensive but they are high quality, it feels like an OEM product.
do you guys think my dreamcast is kewlz? i hope you think its KEWLZ!