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Author Topic: dreamcast CDI/Utopia fail  (Read 3196 times)


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dreamcast CDI/Utopia fail
« on: September 09, 2014, 10:50:53 PM »
so today i got my hands on a dreamcast it already had utopia (tested and working) so i figured id download a game to see if i was able to do it as well, so i got marvel vs capcon.

trying to do so i got a CDI file of some webpage, used nero to burn it onto a EMTEC CD-R 80min 700MB 52x CD
put utopia into the dreamcast, and then the game as it told me to. then it came up with the dog icon spinning over the cd ( as if the game is loading) but literally 30 minutes later the game was still not working, the utopia cd says its version 1.2.

did i do something wrong?
i was hesitant for posting on forums because they all seem so.. well dead i guess and id love help as soon as possible..

Elite Evil

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Re: dreamcast CDI/Utopia fail
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2014, 02:59:28 AM »
Some disks self boot, others need utopia.

Try burning the CDI with alcohol or discjuggler and try writing the discs at different speeds.
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