Hi Everyone, I am newbie here. I am deaf I can't hear the sound I mean I am disability. Hope u understand...
anyway, I need someone for help!!!
Please read this before question and answer how to solve the problem
I am playing Resident Evil Code Veronica on Dreamcast Emulator. I found in Disc 2 Chris the problem is tiger statue and some problem.
"TIGER STATUE"http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/35/fucktiger.jpg/I saw the video on youtube about RECV(X): Chris Took the one blue jewel when Tiger can turn and he grabbed the tool for valve. For me Chris took unlimited red/blue jewels more until again but nothing happens. Tiger statue still can't turn so that I can't continue the game. Please help
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/171/unlimitedjewels.jpg/"THE PROBLEM IS TEXTURE"http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/98/texturez.png/I can't see the image of weapon in inventory. Please help
"INVISIBLE READING?"http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/692/invisibletext.jpg/Chris should must put the "weight paper" into case but Chris can't read it. Please help
"CHRIS HAS NO SHADOW."http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/268/noshadow.jpg/No shadow, please help!
MY DREAMCAST EMULATOR:http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/703/dc2f.jpg/http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/703/dc2f.jpg/Null DC 1.6
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/341/mydc.jpg/Null DC 1.6
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/28/dc3f.jpg/I downloaded "ChankastAlpha025" first, then I clicked the windows but it was not working because it said "Can't read TOC from e: drive" I don't know what does it mean by TOC? I can't play this. Just close it....
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/822/68220571.jpg/I was looking for another dreamcast emulator I downloaded "nullDC_104_r136". It worked very perfect but I didn't like very slowly game! 30-50% speed I did.. I learned how to adjust the speed from the youtube but my speed was still not working. It cant change 100% speed. But maybe for other people who have powerful computer so that they can use "nullDC_104_r136". For me I can't...because of my laptop. I don't have a computer. I can't afford the computer with powerful CPU.
My Installation-DirectXD
-Miscrosoft Visual C+++ 2005 redistributable
-Miscrosoft Visual C+++ 2008 redistributable x86 9.0.30729.6161
-Miscrosoft Visual C+++ 2010 x86 redistributable 10.0.40219
-HHD Hex Editor Neo
-Deamon Tool Lite
I removed these softwares cause they were NOT working for me!-MagicISO
-Discjuggler (It said "WMVcore.dll is missing") and I downloaded Windows Media Player but It didn't work! It said WMVcore.dll is missing again!
-Game Booster 3 (it makes very fast game but it didn't work)
Last two weeks I need them I try to convert them if RECV disc 2 will work. But now I don't need these softwares anymore. I finally downloaded "Null DC 1.6" It worked well and good speed and another Resident Evil Code Veronica from the uTorrent. It worked well. I deleted original RECV disc 1 and 2.
But Tiger statue and Alfred's case (invisible reading) are problem.. please help me
My system:My Laptop "EePC"
processor: intel (R) atom (TM) CPU N280
1.66GHz 1.67GHz
ram: 1 gb
system type: 32 bit OS
Windows 7 starter N
If you will help me, you should must put this picture so that I can understand and follow what you do. Sorry, My English is NOT 100% Excellent.
Hope u will help me, Thank you so much!