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Author Topic: Production complications: Sturmwind is about to be delayed  (Read 3607 times)


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Production complications: Sturmwind is about to be delayed
« on: December 19, 2011, 07:15:25 PM »
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Production complications: Sturmwind is about to be delayed

In spite of best planing, the release of Sturmwind has to be postponed: Our long-term CD-ROM manufacturer surprisingly had to declare bankruptcy after 19 years in business. From 40 employees only a few remained. Therefore this resulted in the situation that the scheduled delivery date for Sturmwind could not be met in the end.

The only possibility has been to relocate the production – to avoid further delays of the bankrupt facility. Nevertheless items like the spaceship models have been completely manufactured already. Our new partner is one of the largest videogame CD / DVD press plants in Europe with over 50 years of experience in medium production. In the meanwhile we already placed our production order for Sturmwind.

The release date is set to TBA (“to be announced”) consequently.

Details are currently clarified between redspotgames, Duranik and the new facility. Also we are arranging material for another announcement with more exact information within December, which will be after Christmas however. All orders in the redspotgames online shop will remain valid.

+ another source is http://www.redspotgames.com/production-complications-sturmwind-is-about-to-be-delayed/


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Re: Production complications: Sturmwind is about to be delayed
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2011, 04:57:39 AM »
I just checked out the trailer and it looks like a game I might even like, but I'm definitely not paying $89 us dollars for any game.

My bad, that's for the collectors edition.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2011, 04:59:42 AM by Call_me_sir »