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Author Topic: ebay question  (Read 3863 times)


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ebay question
« on: February 05, 2011, 02:56:08 AM »
wats up guys, im about to sell a bunch of my game shit on ebay, mostly portable stuff (gameboy, gg, lynx, ngcp etc.) I wana get rid of it all but i duno if i should do a big lot auction of the whole collection, or separate system bundle auctions. Which way would be more profitable? ebay is still the best way to sell games for good money rite?


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Re: ebay question
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2011, 04:02:35 AM »
System bundle auctions for the most part. Look up individual prices, and if any games are selling for good prices by themselves, list them separately without the systems.

Adam Bomb 669

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Re: ebay question
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2011, 08:37:32 AM »
Also keep in mind if you have the boxes in good condition and all the shit that came with em you might make more off of those individually.
And if you expect it to go for a certain price, either stick it at that price right off the bat or put one of those minimum prices on it. Personally I never bid on anything that has the minimum thing on them but I am sure lots of people would.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2011, 08:39:09 AM by Adam Bomb 669 »


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Re: ebay question
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2011, 10:44:13 AM »
What I would do is to do 1 listing for each console & include a few games. Also if you have boxes manuals of anything related to the items you should include them into the listings.

Do so research first before you list your items. See what people are putting up and what are the starting prices. Also note what people get for there items. ebay has went down hill in the last pass 3 years. This is due to all the fucking wholesalers.

Good luck.   


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Re: ebay question
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2011, 01:12:06 AM »
yea i was lookin around and theres not much action these days it seems like more buy it now stuff. I always like to start at one cent and put free shipping just to get everyones attention but i feel like i mite be setting myself up to get fucked if i do that now. I got some stuff that i know could get some bid war action like a almost mint in box gameboy light (backlit gb pocket) and a nomad. Also, i was lookin around at dreamcast stuff and i noticed this guy selling a bunch of burnt dc games in a bundle with the system and people are bidding pretty high check it out :


Adam Bomb 669

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Re: ebay question
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2011, 02:30:48 AM »
Thatl get locked out with burnt games.
How much you want for that Nomad and what comes with it?


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Re: ebay question
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2011, 04:28:41 AM »
Thatl get locked out with burnt games.
Only if somebody reports it. I thought about it, but... I don't feel like being a dick.


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Re: ebay question
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2011, 12:25:04 PM »
yea i was lookin around and theres not much action these days it seems like more buy it now stuff. I always like to start at one cent and put free shipping just to get everyones attention but i feel like i mite be setting myself up to get fucked if i do that now. I got some stuff that i know could get some bid war action like a almost mint in box gameboy light (backlit gb pocket) and a nomad. Also, i was lookin around at dreamcast stuff and i noticed this guy selling a bunch of burnt dc games in a bundle with the system and people are bidding pretty high check it out :


You can always set up a asking price & if your price dose not get meet then you will not lose your item or items ;) Its somthing to think about. I do this for my car parts & etc.


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Re: ebay question
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2011, 01:27:22 PM »
How much you want for that Nomad and what comes with it?

im gonna start it for a cent on the bay tommorow, bundled with like 12 games, another genesis system (genesis 3 the tiny version), a controller or two, a/v (if i can find the cable) and power cables. i could add on a game gear and saturn if i wanted to get retarded but im just gonna do separate auctions. that would be a nice sega lot tho...

Only if somebody reports it. I thought about it, but... I don't feel like being a dick.

good point until i saw this:


he states clearly that its mostly backups and that shits up to 220$

"This lot includes the following games.  some originals are mixed in. most are back ups ( all games are self Booting)"

legit dc bundle + a hundred blank discs + the time to download and burn = at least 220$