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Author Topic: The iPad gets porn: Playboy planning March launch  (Read 1822 times)


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The iPad gets porn: Playboy planning March launch
« on: January 20, 2011, 07:36:42 PM »
Playboy boss Hugh Hefner has confirmed that - despite Steve Jobs' protestations that Apple is pure and Android is for porn - an app for browsing uncensored back issues of the thinking-man's jazz mag is to launch later this year on the iPad.

The news, which is likely to generate significantly more buzz for Apple's popular tablet as a publishing device than Rupert Murdoch's delayed digital newspaper The Daily, comes courtesy of Hefner's Twitter stream, in which he proclaimed: "Big news! Playboy - both old & new - will be available on [the] iPad beginning in March."

Responding to follow-up questions from the his many followers, Hefner confirmed that the Playboy magazines in question would be complete and unexpurgated - with nary the tiniest bit of censorship in sight.

The news will come as a surprise to iOS app developers who have attempted to get their own risqué apps published on the notoriously choosy platform, only to have their creations rejected as unsuitable for Apple's audience - and doubly shocking to those who believed Steve Jobs when he proclaimed that the platform would be free from porn, with the less restrictive Android mobile platform from Google being a better place for the grot-pushers to flout their wares.

Details of the launch, beyond the commitment to a March release, are not yet available.

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