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Author Topic: Questions and comments about school and the stupidity of it.  (Read 4207 times)

Adam Bomb 669

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Questions and comments about school and the stupidity of it.
« on: August 26, 2010, 11:46:25 AM »
Can anyone explain to me why are you not allowed to use any method possible to get your school work done, quickly and correctly? How does not allowing a kid to use a calculator in a math test prepare them for the real world? Most jobs that require you to do math will not only not give a shit if you use a calculator, they would most likely prefer that you always use one to help assure that you do not get the problem wrong. Especially when you consider that if you fuck up, you will cost the company money and possibly lose your job. Furthermore, Why the fuck do you have to "show your work" on a math problem, Have you ever had a job and done some math and then your boss says show your work? Of course not, its bullshit.

I use math as an example not because I was bad at it, in fact my only problem was specifically showing my work when within a couple seconds the answer is there in my head, No work was done. I had a harder time pretending to show my work on simple additions or subtractions than I ever had answering the actual problem for even the most complex equations I was ever given in school. I am sure examples could be made in every class in school. All that really matters is that the problem is solved.

In 11th grade I actually had a teacher explain that taxes cannot be done without algebra and did 3 different problems involving tax and showing how to do that. To which I raised my hand until she responded and explained, The tax rate here is 8.9 percent, multiply the price of the product by 0.089 and add it to the original price and you have your answer. She asked me to come up and show how that is possible. so I did her three problems in a few seconds and she said I was wrong, I said get the calculator and figure it out I am right. She did and was like....................wow, your right. To which I said Yes I am, Algebra is a useless complication to simple math and will never be needed unless you happen to want to be a rocket scientist, and even then I doubt it. That earned me detention.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2010, 11:48:01 AM by Adam Bomb 669 »


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Re: Questions and comments about school and the stupidity of it.
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2010, 02:25:47 PM »
That story is priceless  ;D

Elite Evil

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Re: Questions and comments about school and the stupidity of it.
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2010, 05:19:36 PM »
Algebra is a necessity, if I want to make some suppositories I have to know how dense the wax is, how dense the drug is, how much weight of drug I need to treat the patient and then work out the weight of wax it will take to fill the mould.

If I have a cream that is 5% but want one that is 10% I need to add some stock drug which might be at a concentration of 50%. Adding the stock drug changes the total quantity of the cream. So imagine I had 5 ml of chloroform in 100ml of cream, wanted 10ml of chloroform in 100ml of cream and had concentrated chloroform in but only at a concentration of 50% (due to water, excipents, being a salt etc). If I just added 10mg of stock solution I would have 10ml of chloroform but now in 110ml in cream. You have to use algebra to work out the right amount to add.

Intergrating and differentiating curves is impossible without algebra but is necessary if you have a curve you want to analyse as it needs to be a straight line.

You need algebra to do all of these things. Not necessarily arithmetic, which is what we have to do in the exams, but definitely algebra.
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Re: Questions and comments about school and the stupidity of it.
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2010, 07:49:38 PM »
I'm not joining in Adam's rant.  I think all the math they teach you is important. 
I want a well-rounded education.  How embarrassing would it be to not be able to solve simple algebraic equations as an adult?

Showing your work is required because 90% of public school students are cheaters. 
I know, I went to public school my whole life. 

The teacher doesn't really need the answer.  He needs to know his students can do it correctly. 
And if you arrive at the wrong answer, handwritten work allows him to see where you erred and be able to correct you.

Sure, when I was 12 years old I complained about having to "show my work".  What kid didn't?
But I can see the value in it as an educational tool.


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Re: Questions and comments about school and the stupidity of it.
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2010, 08:30:06 PM »
I hate math class. I haven't learned anything from it sense the 8th grade. That was a long time ago.

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Adam Bomb 669

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Re: Questions and comments about school and the stupidity of it.
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2010, 11:38:07 PM »
see and if you used a calculator you wouldn't have to worry about showing your work because you would have the answers right unless you hit the wrong buttons. Sure algebra might have some use as far as trivial knowledge but the main thing I was getting at is if you want to prepare kids for real life then don't limit them by not allowing them to use calculators or books or whatever they need to get the work done quickly and correctly.  another example would be art. I'm a terrible drawer/painter, but I can make some awesome looking stuff on Photoshop with or without actual pictures. But I bet most grade schools wouldn't allow it.


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Re: Questions and comments about school and the stupidity of it.
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2010, 03:54:41 AM »
For the most part I agree with Adam, for the record. But what really pisses me off is that math is required, but I've never heard of art being required and almost everywhere (at least around here anyway) school art funding is being cut.
So I say math shouldn't be required past an elementary level - it's just my opinion and not everyone agrees with it (including my chem. teaching dad whose salary helps pay my tuition), but cutting art and putting such an emphasis on math is like saying art is less important.


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Re: Questions and comments about school and the stupidity of it.
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2010, 05:22:27 AM »
The real world?  Math is important for the real world.

Art is only important for the fantasy you think is the real world.

If civil society were to crumble, I'd rather have an education in engineering than be Picasso.

Art IS less important. 

Adam Bomb 669

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Re: Questions and comments about school and the stupidity of it.
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2010, 05:50:36 AM »
I'm not saying math is unimportant, in fact I know it is for many jobs. I'm just saying that the idea that school prepares you for the real world is bullshit.
Art is equally important. How do you think car designs are made, or houses, or any building. even for simple things like creating the right setup for your room or a garden or whatever, an artistic skill set can be very helpful. When I was in highschool we had to take 2 art classes. I took a drawing class and a pottery class. I barely passed both but I made two sweet ass pipes that I sold to some stoner friends.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 05:54:39 AM by Adam Bomb 669 »

Elite Evil

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Re: Questions and comments about school and the stupidity of it.
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2010, 03:24:42 PM »
Engineering and architecture is much more about physics and consequently maths as it is art.
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Re: Questions and comments about school and the stupidity of it.
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2010, 04:01:13 PM »
Lets see , I attempted to get my ged 4 times. Failed every single time ??? Well actually I didnt fail I just never followed through on it , On my pre ged scores I actually scored just enough to pass the ged test I just never got the chance to take the ged test itself. :'(  ............ What can I say Im a procrastinator  ;)

Sorry if this is completely off topic, I just felt like sharing this  ???
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 04:05:12 PM by steve »