Now I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that this guitar would sound like shit but it made me laugh and so I thought I would add it to my ever growing collection of crazy guitar designs. I particularly like the fact that not only has Flooky incorporated the main Dreamcast console but also a controller too which houses the neck pickup, very creative! I’m off to scour the web for the N64 and Playstation 1 guitar! I already found a Sega Megadrive guitar courtesy of the Brazillian band Megadriver, check out the guitar here.

Here’s one for the old school gamers out there, you at need to be in your late 20’s to have even owned a Nintendo Entertainment System, I’m not talking the Super Nintendo (SNES) this was the SNES’ 8-bit little brother released in the early to mid 80’s. I posted a while ago about the Dreamcast Guitar and I’ve been searching for other Console guitar mods so I was pretty excited to see the NES Paul (nice pun!).
