nominations for candidates were due feb 1. Obama had only been in office for 11 days. This is how his 11 days went-
I got a feeling you just might be more deserving adam.
I am, but if skipping church is grounds for disqualification you might as well forget me, I dont skip church because I dont go to church at all. and the only time I would is for weddings and funerals.
If I were elected president it would look more like this.
Day 1 - Celebrated with tons of rock stars, does blow, almost ODs.
Day 2 - signs executive orders removing FCC control over censorship, legalizing pot and prostitution, and outlawing the sale or airplay of any music by Rihana, U2, Greenday and Coldplay, officialy declaring them as the true axis of evil
Day 3 - reinstates executive order 11110
Day 4 - gets shot in the head by billionaire henchmen