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Author Topic: Life  (Read 6596 times)


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« on: July 18, 2009, 09:03:51 AM »
I don't know, I think I'm coming to a crossroads or I'm just confused, but at 21 I'm confused with what I want to do with my life. At one point I wanted to be a lawyer, then a teacher, I even considered a cop (smh). I'm in the military now but don't know what I want to do, staying in seems easy, but I don't think I can put up with most of this lifestyle for 20 years. I know I want a career but have to get in school which isn't a problem. I just feels as if it's to late. I know it's not .... any suggestions?


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Re: Life
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2009, 10:37:09 AM »
I'm 26 and still in school. All the guys from my old band are all married with kids and careers. I used to feel like a loser, but hey I'm 26 with no kid, no wife, and no career. Why the hell wouldn't that be a good thing.
What's your old man do for a living? I'm going into teaching because there's only 3 people in my extended family who aren't teachers.

Elite Evil

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Re: Life
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2009, 08:16:43 PM »
I'm 21 and also don't know what to do, am studying Pharmacy cause I could but I hate it and if it wasn't for the potential money would have dropped out by now.

Getting loads of rejection letters at the moment, the Tesco email calls me incompetant.
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Re: Life
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2009, 01:19:01 AM »
I'm 21 also, and just doing my time in school, for the longest time I wanted to go into the military after graduating, but for some reason I still haven't. School isn't too bad! Education is power bro, I know it takes a while but when you get that degree you are one step ahead of the rest!


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Re: Life
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2009, 01:37:22 AM »
School isn't too bad! Education is power bro

tell that to the art/music majors who wait my tables at dennys.  :P
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Re: Life
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2009, 01:45:37 AM »
tell that to the art/music majors who wait my tables at dennys.  :P

Modern art-interpretation FTW! lol

nah but I know how you feel, Im i school for something I dont like. Id like to drop out and start fresh but Ive alread sunk all this money into my current position and it would feel like such a waste just dropping it all.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2009, 06:13:24 PM by SKullinator »
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Re: Life
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2009, 03:15:50 PM »
nah but I know how you feel, Im i school for something I dont like. Id like to drop out and start fresh but Ive alread sunk all this money into my current position and it would feel like such a waste just dropping it all.
its the same with me bro.iam 19 and in college right now pursing my hotel management degree but i dont like it.i would rather be an enggineer or be in the navy atleast thats what i wanted after high school.as i didnt score enough marks in my final hs exams i cant apply for both.so i applied for this shitty degree and got selected for college.after a while i realised i didnt like what i was doin and i wasnt scoring as per se a normal student would.... a lot of reasons for that.so i started thinking of droppin out starting fresh and joinin another course.i didnt know what i was doing or what i wanted at that point which was like a month or two ago.but then i decided againt it.... for i thought i had wasted enough money and time on this to fuck it all up now.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2009, 03:35:24 PM by i_got_you60 »

Elite Evil

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Re: Life
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2009, 06:41:49 PM »
Hahaha Segahub is full of failing students.... :P
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Re: Life
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2009, 07:57:31 PM »
I'm 19 and do webdesign for my own company (finally). I have been eating dirt for like a year straight now, but I love what I do. However! Stay in school yo, but seriously don't get a damn degree in "ART" or go to college and say... "I WANT TO BE A ROCKSTAR!" or "I WANT TO PRODUCE TV SHOWS" or my personal favorite "I AM GOING TO SCHOOL TO MAKE VIDEOGAMES!"

The bottomline is get a degree in something real, and you'll be fine - the rest sorts itself out.

thats just my 2 cents.


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Re: Life
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2009, 08:22:08 PM »
Stay in school yo, but seriously don't get a damn degree in "ART" or go to college and say... "I WANT TO BE A ROCKSTAR!" or "I WANT TO PRODUCE TV SHOWS" or my personal favorite "I AM GOING TO SCHOOL TO MAKE VIDEOGAMES!"

The bottomline is get a degree in something real, and you'll be fine - the rest sorts itself out.
A degree in the arts  will probably only get you places if you get a teaching degree. Being a rockstar is luck and talent, neither of which can be taught. And if your good at making video games you can apply right now at the respective companies, although BA's in video game dev. are preferred. Some digipen grads have jobs waiting for them at nintendo by the time they finish. Some of the jobs at bethesda look nice, and if I was a little better at programming I'd love working on the next elder scrolls. http://www.bethsoft.com/eng/links/bethsoft_jobs.html


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Re: Life
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2009, 12:01:14 AM »
and if I was a little better at programming I'd love working on the next elder scrolls.
wouldnt we all?


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Re: Life
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2009, 03:21:04 AM »
Good luck with finding something to do..

I am 26 & still in college I could never go full time due to work & not living with my family after High School. I enjoy digital art , music production & well games

I am slowly taking graphic design classes but I will have along time to go I only take 1 - 2 classes a semester


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Re: Life
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2009, 03:52:31 AM »
everyone of us flock to the dreamcast because we are poor.
"I refuse to leave our children with a debt that they cannot repay, and that means taking responsibility right now, in this administration, for getting our spending under control."  Obama Feb. 23, 2009.
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Re: Life
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2009, 08:00:20 PM »
tell that to the art/music majors who wait my tables at dennys.  :P

sorry but art and music are HOBBIES (creativity), not entirely educational ... I know a friend that went to school for Graphics/Arts, came back home to live with his parents, and about 4-6 months later still hasn't found a job.