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Author Topic: "hacked" DEEP FEAR "EJ"- introduction ^^  (Read 2917 times)


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"hacked" DEEP FEAR "EJ"- introduction ^^
« on: June 11, 2009, 09:14:16 PM »
"hacked" DEEP FEAR "EJ"- introduction ^^

Rep_Plus_^-^ introduces the latest "hacked" game on Sega Saturn system, the:

DEEP FEAR (J release based on E files)- 1st & 2nd cd

Some info about it:
It's almost the same version as un-released USA version.
Screen and video are centered and no line is missing on screen in the ingame part in opposition to E version played on usa/jap 60 Hz consoles.

If you want to download it, just go here.

Enjoy and try to survive ;)!!
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