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Please forgive me for a funny or stupid words.
- Index -Copying, ripping Sega Saturn games
· unedited backup using CDrwin
· compressed backup using Nero Burning ROM
Burning Sega Saturn games
· changing region in SRP
· important hints
How to run Sega Saturn games
· how to run a orginal game, which has other region than your console
· how to perform swap trick on Saturn model 1 or 2 for boot the burned cd-r with game
· how to run 60Hz(usa, jap, few eur) games in full speed and on the full screen on european(PAL) console
- End of index -**
Copying, ripping Sega Saturn games
unedited backup using CDrwin1. Insert the Saturn game you wish to rip into your CD/DVD/BD drive.
2. Start up CDrwin.
3. Select the option on the top row which is "Backup Disc".
4. The backup disc dialog box should then appear. Go under the Recording Options section and set Data Speed and Audio Speed to 8x each - otherwise it may get an error while reading the disc. Set the Read Retry Counter number to 10.
5. Hit start to begin.
6. When it has finished just exit CDrwin.
7. Go to folder on your hard drive where your files were written.
8. Finally open up the .cue file using a text editor like notepad. Where it says C:\40&4.BIN change it to the name of the .bin file. Do not include a drive letter. For the example above it would be "40&4.BIN". Save it.
compressed backup using Nero Burning ROM1. Insert the Saturn game you wish to rip into your CD/DVD/BD drive.
2. Start up Nero Burning ROM and exit the new compilation screen should it appear.
3. On the menu bar select extras and then save tracks.
4. Select your CD-ROM drive when given the choice.
5. You will then see the save tracks window. Track number 1 is the game data track and should be in the ISO 9660 mode. Select the track, and then go to the output file format drop down menu and select ISO Image File (*.iso). Click go to rip the track.
Warning: If the game has more then one data track (rare) you must rip the game via the .bin/.cue method above!
6. Next select all of the audio tracks at once (you can do this by selecting the first audio track, holding down shift, and then selecting the last audio track). Next go to the output file format drop down menu and select mp3/mp3 Pro (*.mp3). Click go to rip the tracks. You can now exit Nero.
Note: If the game has only one audio track, or a few of very small size, then it does not use standard red book audio tracks. There is little point in making an .iso/.mp3/.cue image as there will be almost no compression. It is suggested to rip the game via the .bin/.cue method above.
7. Go into your folder where files were written and it will have deposited the iso and mp3 files. (If you can't see the .bin or .cue extensions go to Tools - Folder Options - then the View Tab - scroll down and uncheck "Hit File Extensions for Know Types").
8. Start up the Sega Cue Maker program. Browse to the folder where you put the ISO/MP3 files. Then hit the "Generate Cue" button. After the cue sheet has been generated hit the "Save Cue" button.
9. Save the Cue Sheet into the same directory and your done. You can use the .cue file to burn the backup with the burning program of your choice.
Burning Sega Saturn games
changing region in SRPUse Saturn Region Patcher (before burning) to change region of any game to (J)apan, (E)urope or (U)sa.
important hintsAlways burn or mount from cue, mds, ccd file.
Burning speed should be x12- i've got the best results with it, less c1 errors than in the other speeds.
How to run Sega Saturn games
how to run a orginal game, which has other region than your consoleExample- you have console, which is from usa (U) and want to play in japan (J) orginal pressed disc.
First use program called cdrwin (or alcohol 120% and mdf/mds format) to do a copy of your orginal disc- more info is above in this thread.
Next open freshly created image in SRP (Saturn Region Patcher), uncheck any regions and check only region of your console and patch it.
Burn it from cue file in Nero Burning Rom (or in alcohol 120% when you've done image in mdf/mds)- speed= 12x or faster, if you want to verify quality of burned disc- use nero cd dvd speed.
You've done swap trick to load a copy of your game.
Replace your spinning or not (when you wait for a while about 1-3 minutes, Saturn'll stop spinning cd-r itself, so it's more secure method) burned cd-r with your orginal pressed disc in moment when console is not loading fmvs (becasue if it's, console'll go to menu). And enjoy playing in the best quality possible

how to perform swap trick on Saturn model 1 or 2 for boot the burned cd-r with gameSearch YouTube for
Sega Saturn Swap Trick to find lots of video’s showing how this is done.
how to run 60Hz(usa, jap, few eur) games in full speed and on the full screen on european(PAL) consoleGo to the link, which is below and read everything carefully: