For several years, team SirVG has released over many GBA & NDS releases to the scene.
Today, with their 252nd release, the team has decided to throw in the towel.
The team quit because of on-going disputes behind the scenes (in the scene; see the below quote).
Goodbye, SirVG, and thanks for all your contributions to the GBA & NDS scene.
QUOTE(Team SirVG Note)
While it seems very odd to be doing this
just 2 releases after our big 250th
release celebration, this is something
that we've thought about and decided
needs to be done.
It's time to say goodbye.
While we're sure a lot of you will be upset at this
decision, as you're happy to laugh at these games, or have
a few of our releases for your kids/younger siblings, frankly,
there are some things happening behind the scenes in the scene
that are so negative, that we can't tolerate its behaviour any
longer. We won't mention names, as we don't feel it's right or
proper, but those people know who they are. And while they may
gloat that they've won at removing us from the scene, we don't
care, honestly. Nearly 2.5 years ago, we made an open decision
to help out by releasing ROMs of nearly a dozen GBA games in a
market that was slowly not caring about the console. We wanted
to breathe a little more life into the system. And at 108 games,
we think we did. A year later, we were open to the possibility
of continuing our work with the Nintendo DS. It took a couple
months to get stabilized, but we've proven that we're no
slouches at 144 releases (162 if you count the demos). But
something in life will always tell you if it's time to move on,
and we've received that message.
The above info was copied & pasted from