So I decompressed the Slaughterhouse trilogy CD that was on the interweb.
Alright so i opened up the 3_ntsc.bin with the hexx editor frhed and switched the line to B04.pak and saved as 4_ntsc.bin. I did the same to B05.pak and 5_ntsc.bin all the way to 10_ntsc.bin. And put my corresponding paks in the root DIR and named them accordingly. Added the DCEvo.ini with
Ginsu.Path = \MENU
Ginsu.Command = "\MENU\4_NTSC.BIN"
Manifest.Name = "Captain Commando and The Avengers NTSC"
Manifest.Select.WellImage = 3_NTSC.PVR
Manifest.Select.AnimTarget07 = 175
Manifest.Play.Path = \MENU
Manifest.Play.Command = "\MENU\4_NTSC.BIN"
and accordingly up to 10_ntsc and with all the paks.
then repacked it with bootdreams.
When i boot up the game in my Dreamcast I get the Sega loader with the DCEvolution Beats of Rage hack on the front. But it doesn't go anywhere from here. It freezes on the screen with the logo. I got all excited thinking it was going but it just freezes. I tried repackaging with bootdreams many different ways. I can't seem to figure it out. I looked it over many times.
It might be a long shot but............. Have any suggestions?