ok so i found your site about 3 days ago. when i was in highschool i had a dreamcast dident know nearly as much about computers as i do know so i was limited to whatever blockbuster had and it was tords the end of the dreamcast's life so there wasent much. i eventually traded it and sence have regreted it then faithfully 4 days ago my fiance for christmas gets me one knowing about being able to download games. so my adventure began alot of deadend sites and google searches. a few seedless torrents and i was stuck i managed to get one or two cdi files wich prompted me to find out how to burn them and while playing follow the link i stumbled on to you guys and im greatfull very much you dont charge money. theres no requierments to post or upload or anything. thanks to all uploaders for the games ive gotten so far (evil dead, hoyle casino, gauntlet legends, jet grind radio, and im currently working on toy commander) you here are all my saviors