1. A boy must not sit on a toilet unless he is having a bowel movement.What if u r lazy? or have bad aim? or maybe even too drunk to stand?
3. A boy must always wear socks, except while swimming.i guess my brother is a queer since he hated socks
4. A boy must not be allowed to watch cartoons of any kind.and again everyone i know is gay
6. A boy must not refer to his parents as "Mommy" or "Daddy. " As soon as your boy is old enough to speak, he must be taught to call his Mother, "Ma," or "Momma" or "Mommie Dearest." When addressing his Father, he should refer to him as, "Sir," "Dad," or "Commander." "Mommy" and "Daddy" are what fey, spoiled boys weaned on effeminacy coo, embarrassing you in front of the neighbors by never keeping the palms of their hands below their waists.
thats fucking funny
8. A boy must never cry or pout.im guessing while your dad whips your ass, crying is a no no and u must suck it up and be a man
9. A boy must not use brightly colored crayons or any crayons from any colors of a rainbow.i guess Black, White And Gray r the colours of choice for the non gays
According to this im a FLAMER lmfao