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Author Topic: Movers and Shakers  (Read 3201 times)


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Movers and Shakers
« on: August 11, 2007, 09:53:33 AM »
So, I know that this probably belongs in Console Chat more than here at first thought, but I want a real, general discussion about something that's been irking me.

I'm no stranger to delays.  I almost expect them nowadays.  But is it me, or has the industry forgotten not to bite off more than they can chew?  See, I was waiting very patiently for GTA4.  It looked amazing.  The new style of the series made me want to tour NYC to see similarities.  And I was promised, not just told, but promised that the game would be available on 10/16/07.  And now that story has changed to "March" only two and (not even) a half months before ship date.  This is bad and good, a true double-edge, but it's Sigfried-Schtauffen-Zweihander-huge: sure, we get it in march, where the slow period (a lull, if you will) for AAA releases gets fully underway but at the cost of burning one of the most loyal and diehard fanbases established in games today.  We've seen the game running - the XB360 build was what all of the trailers were made from.  It looked pretty damn close to completion to me.  So, I guess that my burning questions are these:

1.)  Did Sony pay a lot of money to Rockstar to make sure that the PS3 version wouldn't be worse (relatively speaking) than the XB360 version?
I'm not fanboy-paranoid.  I just think that with the recent shit-canning of Manhunt 2, the fact that Rockstar went on record to say that the 360 version would be getting all kinds of online content while the PS3 version would be getting little-if-any, PLUS combined with the fact that the PS3, as the PS2 was in its infancy, is notorious for being not too programmer-friendly had a lot to do with this.  It just seems a little too convenient.

2.)  Was the PS3 version to blame?
See above statement.

3.)  Wouldn't this be the worst possible thing to happen to them, since Take-Two is getting investigated for multiple actions and the recent delay (oh, let's just call it an outright ban of the real version) of Manhunt 2?
Alienate one sect of your fans, then alienate the whole movement.  That's not good PR, and that's saying a lot for a company used to defending themselves from the US Government.

4.)  Why shoot yourself in the foot like that, Rockstar?

Other games are turning around for multiple passes through development limbo/hell.  Like Starcraft: Ghost - that's what this shit echoes, but in a more widespread sense.  Discuss.
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Yep.  There's a theme.


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Re: Movers and Shakers
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2007, 10:31:59 AM »
I'll try to discuss this the best I can ... lol.

San Andreas did a really good job on ps2. Microsoft showed them the big money and they shuffled out a version for them. I guess they struck a great friendship because as you're saying, now they're favoring more towards MS. A lot of companies deep inside want Sony gone, probably? They try to make a system that does everything, at a high price. That's enough for me to want to stay away from them. When you make a system that claims to do everything, it might do all of those things but not do them very well.

Ummm ... yeah ManHunt was a good game but it was totally linear, RockStar has been known to go up and beyond, make you think "What if you REALLY could do any of this? What if you could really do this in real life?" and yes, it's good that it's got you thinking as you're playing. But some people live how they play. And sometimes they won't play very fair. :( I imagine Manhunt 2 is more of the same idea, or was. And again, it was too much.

RockStar is in the middle. I'm sure they're getting very tired of getting hit left and right for trying to think outside the box. But they're obviously doing something right with their games, a lot of people buy their games ...

Sorry I'm confused now lol


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Re: Movers and Shakers
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2007, 04:25:08 PM »
Ye i think i heard somewhere that sony bought Rockstar and that GTA4 is Delayed till Next year, remember last year when loads of games were delayed fr the ps3 release? Anyway nevermind me i can wait


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Re: Movers and Shakers
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2007, 05:09:15 PM »
It'll be fine if GTA4 comes out late, seriously. I've been to NY. It's huge :)