Ok so I just got back from seeing the dark knight. I just finished watching the first batman begins movie yesterday and was pretty excited for this one. I go to the theater to see the movie with my dad, thinking that this will be a great movie to see.
Sorry great? More like terrifying. And I'm not talking Scary movie terrifying, I'm talking like watching a terrorist movie on killing americans to show the world they have balls.
How was this movie rated PG-13? I mean it was just like watching a movie about just slaughtering people. Explosions, knifing, shooting, hanging, and recording it to show the world. I was disturbed be on belief. And please I am asking you not to flame me and be the Jokers bitch and tell me that I'm being a *****, no I am not. There's just some things in this world that no one should see. One of the moments that makes me never wanting to see this movie again was with the batman fake video. Of joker pretty much torching him, it was very disturbing.
Even my dad even would cover his eyes through some parts.
Right now he won't even go fishing because hes "Emotionally disoriented." He is like feeling sick.
And I guess Kids are suppose to go out and see this movie? I understand for some hardcore comic reading batman fans that this was exciting and dark and kick ass to them but to alot of people this was a let down. If you guys have kids I would suggest not having them go see this movie unless you think they can handle it.
Also one character I felt made the movie even worse was Harvey Dent. He took me from seeing what happened to the joker at the end, I guess they got the idea that batman rather go after some lawyer then wait a few minutes to finish off the joker. This is one of the movies where I wanted the superhero to actually KILL the super villain.
Alright so you guys read, you guys flame me. I'm all yours now.
EDIT: anyone else think that most of the hype up about it was because of Heath Leger's death? Lets rethink this a minute, if he didn't die would you really think the whole country would go mad for this movie?