Well ive been at it again, messing around with my WII thinking of ways to void my warranty. Then i came across this mod called Pulse VU. Well i thought why not, right??
Ive read on various forums wii owners who want to keep there blue light while gaming. There sad solutions was to send emails to the wii to keep the light on. But what if there was a mod out there that did this :
This device will pulse your LEDs along with the music coming from the console and can also fade your LEDs in a "breathing" effect.
Well in honesty this mod does nothing. But it does make your WII look amazing while playing games.
The only problem ive found with this mod is that it sometimes puts u off while playing the game ,because u are too interested in watching it.:-)
Well here is a vid ive uploaded for u all to check it out urself :-) The quality aint the best and it cant capture how fast the mod pulses. It really does look class i just wish i had a good enough camera to capture it. :-)
http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-9033358985528672437And for all u keep modders out there, here is the pics if u wanna try this out urself :-)

Enjoy lads :-) Am happy with the results because at the end off the day i did this not knowing what to expect.