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Author Topic: How to play MAME games online with GGPO (with screenies!)  (Read 13325 times)


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How to play MAME games online with GGPO (with screenies!)
« on: February 15, 2010, 03:19:50 PM »
I recently posted an article on the General Chat board asking if anyone was here was on GGPO. For a little extra info here's the link: http://segahub.org/index.php?topic=5303.0
retro_killa was interested, and so he asked me to write a tutorial. Sounded like a plan to me, so let's get it going.

Here's the ROM compatibility list (as of 15 Feb 2010)
Breakers Revenge
Dungeons and Dragons Shadow Over Mystara
Fatal Fury Special
Final Fight
Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Hyper Street Fighter 2: The Anniversary Edition
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Karnov's Revenge
King of Fighters 2000
King of Fighters 2002
King of Fighters 97
King of Fighters 98
Last Blade 2
Marvel Super Heroes
Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
Marvel vs. Capcom
Metal Slug X - Super Vehicle-001
Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge
Samurai Shodown 2
Street Fighter Alpha 1, 2, 2 Gold and 3
Street Fighter 2 Koryu, Champion Edition and Hyper Edition
Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike
Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Vampire Savior
X-Men Children of the Atom
X-Men vs. Street Fighter

1. Hit up http://ggpo.net/ and go to the Downloads page. Download everything it says you should download.

2. Install everything. I'm pretty sure this doesn't require screenshots.

3. Place the roms that you own into the rom folder in the GGPO folder.
*note* To play NeoGeo roms, you need the NeoGeo BIOS rom. For Street Figher Alpha 3, you need to download a savestate. There's a link in the SFA3 room description. For Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike, you need sfiii3.zip AND sfiii3n.zip.

4. Launch GGPO. You'll be welcomed with a login screen.

5. Create an account. You'll be welcomed by a Terms of Use Agreement. Click accept. Then you'll meet the standard phpBB-style registration form. Your forum account will work with the GGPO client.

6. After registering, you'll receive a confirmation email from the higher-ups. Validate yourself, and you're ready to go. So, now log into GGPO. You'll start off in the room known as The Lobby.

7. Pick your game. You now have two options:
7a) Challenge someone, or
7b) Wait until someone challenges you.

8. Play!
Sorry for the absence of a screenshot here - sometimes it's hard to get a game. I'll upload a screenie here as soon as I get the chance.

Now you can play awesome arcade classics online! Meet me on there, the name's IsshunSengeki, I'm usually in the SFA3 room, the Garou room or the SF3 room. See you guys there!
"This bow is filled with that intent to kill that you so desire" ~Ishida Uryuu, Bleach.


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Re: How to play MAME games online with GGPO (with screenies!)
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2010, 02:15:27 PM »

Thanks for the tutorial I will have to get my MAME games back on my laptop & play some of them!

How offend are oyu on this chat system?


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Re: How to play MAME games online with GGPO (with screenies!)
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2010, 07:12:08 PM »
Uhm, the people are pretty friendly, if that's what you mean.
"This bow is filled with that intent to kill that you so desire" ~Ishida Uryuu, Bleach.