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General Chat / Re: Happy 2022 everyone
« Last post by spshortman on February 14, 2023, 08:49:04 PM »
Happy 2023 everyone. Bill payer checking in LOL. It makes me happy to load this up every now and then.

thanks for paying the bills!
General Chat / Re: Is this place dead or what?
« Last post by darkNiGHTS on February 03, 2023, 09:40:12 PM »
If you can ping it it's still alive.
General Chat / Re: Happy 2022 everyone
« Last post by darkNiGHTS on February 03, 2023, 09:39:06 PM »
Happy 2023 everyone. Bill payer checking in LOL. It makes me happy to load this up every now and then.
Sega Dreamcast / I plan to make a unedited Rayman 2 multi disc split rip?
« Last post by Sonicx9 on January 16, 2023, 07:04:04 AM »
This will be my first SB Dreamcast cdi files I will try to make so any help when needed will be appreciated? Note this project will start latter this year when I have the time so please be patient when the time comes?
General Chat / Re: Happy 2022 everyone
« Last post by spshortman on December 31, 2022, 06:23:00 AM »
goodbye 2022! pretty amazing this place still exists! whoever pays the bills you are absolutely hardcore!
Homebrew/Tools / Re: Bleemcast Beta Cracked
« Last post by mspencer46947 on September 02, 2022, 04:36:06 PM »
Bleemcast PSX emulator for the Dreamcast, this will play most all playstation 1 games on your dreamcast (backups too)

I wanted to upload somewhere painlessly, so I've uploaded a RAR file to imageshack by embedding it into AxisLoaf (an old Photoshop of mine)

Download the .jpg and open it in winrar :)


Have a nice one!

Compatibility list:
hey does anyone have the text file/guide that tells you when you gotta switch the discs. I know for Disc 1A to Disc 1B its after the first boss fight inside the plane, but what bout Disc 2A and Disc 2B and Disc 3A, 3B, and 3C?
Console Chat / Re: The Nintendo Switch
« Last post by spshortman on July 02, 2022, 03:44:45 AM »
Damn, that is a cool housing! It’s getting difficult to find housings for old consoles these days, even on aliexpress. Been trying to find a specific PSP camo that used to be fairly popular and had no luck.

Also got an Odin pro, awesome emulation device.

why thank you.....
Console Chat / Re: The Nintendo Switch
« Last post by call_me_sir on July 01, 2022, 07:51:08 PM »
Damn, that is a cool housing! It’s getting difficult to find housings for old consoles these days, even on aliexpress. Been trying to find a specific PSP camo that used to be fairly popular and had no luck.

Also got an Odin pro, awesome emulation device.
Console Chat / Re: The Nintendo Switch
« Last post by spshortman on June 09, 2022, 06:48:46 AM »
this message isnt about the switch but rather the wii. my launch wii with 10 hundred thousand hours of use was having video out problems. turns out 6 capacitors in my wii went bad. i twisted those 6 bad caps off and soldered some new ones in. since i had my entire wii taken apart i also bought a new shell from aliexpress:

this launch wii is now working like new and it looks kewl!
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