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General Chat / Re: Is this place dead or what?
« Last post by Vorde on December 14, 2023, 05:58:55 AM »
Hello, old school user, just logged in after remembering this place. Glad to see it's still up and running :)
Sega Gaming / New Jet Set, Shinobi, Golden Axe, SOR And Crazy Taxi Games!
« Last post by spshortman on December 08, 2023, 08:04:49 PM »

well......... i guess i have to buy them all.......
Console Chat / Re: New Sega style handheld dropping
« Last post by spshortman on November 25, 2023, 06:48:04 AM »
Yeah I mean I have a mega Everdrive, 2 Saturns with SD mods and a dreamcast with gdemu too, but this is handheld. It's like a brand new Nomad. I have a few handhelds made by Anbernic already and they're a few steps above the normal aliexpress systems imo.

I used to have a few of those really awful AtGames Sega handhelds too, always wanted one that didn't suck. So I'm pumped.

for what it is it looks pretty good.
Console Chat / Re: New Sega style handheld dropping
« Last post by call_me_sir on November 24, 2023, 02:11:22 PM »
Yeah I mean I have a mega Everdrive, 2 Saturns with SD mods and a dreamcast with gdemu too, but this is handheld. It's like a brand new Nomad. I have a few handhelds made by Anbernic already and they're a few steps above the normal aliexpress systems imo.

I used to have a few of those really awful AtGames Sega handhelds too, always wanted one that didn't suck. So I'm pumped.
Console Chat / Re: New Sega style handheld dropping
« Last post by spshortman on November 23, 2023, 10:41:17 PM »
looks pretty good for an aliexpress console. i like that you can plug it into a tv and then use a wireless controller. i own all retro consoles with their gdemu/flash carts so this probably isn't for me but i can see how a lot of people would like it.
Console Chat / New Sega style handheld dropping
« Last post by call_me_sir on November 22, 2023, 01:45:25 PM »
i bought the new sonic superstars game. its good but not on the level of sonic mania. the stages are more platformy and slow like sonic 1 and cd. not a problem for me BUT they should have some of the faster levels of sonic 2/3 also! id give superstars a 7/10. perfect 30 dollar game 60 bucks was probably too much for this one! this game is a step in the right direction though.
Sega Gaming / Re: GDEmu cloned, now $65
« Last post by spshortman on February 20, 2023, 07:53:51 PM »
theres a new clone version 5.20 https://youtu.be/pv4lJIt4q3g

if you already own a 5.15 there isnt much different, just fixes a few games with issues but the 5.20 is advertised as being updatable. i dont think its an easy update from sd card but something more complicated. i love the gdemu clone but im not sure i will buy a new clone just for a few fixes.
Sega Dreamcast / Re: dc codebreaker hacked
« Last post by DizzCast on February 15, 2023, 01:08:25 AM »
still works like a charm. thanx. gonna back up the files for preservation purposes. just gotta figure out how to use it now lol
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