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Sega Dreamcast / Dreamcast Demo Disc Collection PAL CDI Selfboot (MEGA)
« Last post by SparkThaMetal on January 08, 2024, 10:37:44 AM »
Dreamcast Demo Disc Collection PAL CDI Selfboot

Contains the following:
-DCP Selfboot CDI releases of the PAL Dreamon discs VOl 1-22
-DCP's custom Dreamon Collection 2 and 4 (CDI)
-The Hidden Demos Release containing unused demos from the released demo disks (CDI)
-The Millennium Pack from Hooligans (CDI)

Sega Gaming / Re: New Jet Set, Shinobi, Golden Axe, SOR And Crazy Taxi Games!
« Last post by spshortman on December 24, 2023, 09:05:04 PM »
Yeah man, PC all the way. I had a ps5 but sold it a while back for a new gpu.

you should be good to go then!111 SEGA
Sega Gaming / Re: New Jet Set, Shinobi, Golden Axe, SOR And Crazy Taxi Games!
« Last post by call_me_sir on December 24, 2023, 04:34:39 AM »
do you own a current gen console or powerful pc callmesir? these might skip last gen assuming they come out in the next 12-24 months.
Yeah man, PC all the way. I had a ps5 but sold it a while back for a new gpu.
General Chat / Re: Is this place dead or what?
« Last post by spshortman on December 18, 2023, 01:46:18 AM »
Omg I haven't posted in here in so long. It's been 3 years, fuck. Hope you're all doing well. I was some super broke ass recession kid using this forum to get games for my Dreamcast when everyone else had Xbox 360s, PS3s, and gaming PCs. Now I'm some slightly less broke ass adult but with all the video games haha

i dont think this place will ever die. if its been maintained this long i think theres no reason to pull the plug now!

i have all next week off, im going to hook up and play the saturn!
General Chat / Re: Is this place dead or what?
« Last post by xXSTR8FSXx on December 17, 2023, 08:38:28 PM »
Omg I haven't posted in here in so long. It's been 3 years, fuck. Hope you're all doing well. I was some super broke ass recession kid using this forum to get games for my Dreamcast when everyone else had Xbox 360s, PS3s, and gaming PCs. Now I'm some slightly less broke ass adult but with all the video games haha
Sega Gaming / Re: New Jet Set, Shinobi, Golden Axe, SOR And Crazy Taxi Games!
« Last post by spshortman on December 16, 2023, 06:12:13 AM »
I’m all about that new Golden Axe

do you own a current gen console or powerful pc callmesir? these might skip last gen assuming they come out in the next 12-24 months.
Sega Gaming / Re: New Jet Set, Shinobi, Golden Axe, SOR And Crazy Taxi Games!
« Last post by call_me_sir on December 15, 2023, 11:55:24 PM »
I’m all about that new Golden Axe
Sega Gaming / Re: New Jet Set, Shinobi, Golden Axe, SOR And Crazy Taxi Games!
« Last post by spshortman on December 15, 2023, 02:53:02 AM »
So excited for a new JSR game!

i think i probably want the shinobi game the most but i will buy them all!
Sega Gaming / Re: New Jet Set, Shinobi, Golden Axe, SOR And Crazy Taxi Games!
« Last post by Vorde on December 14, 2023, 06:00:31 AM »
So excited for a new JSR game!
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