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Sega Gaming / Re: New Virtua Fighter Game In Development!!111one
« Last post by spshortman on December 20, 2024, 11:33:31 PM »
I haven’t played VF in a long time, but this looks pretty decent. I kinda wish they’d turn up the gravity though, VF always feels so floaty to me. But maybe thats just a series staple?

i think since VF4 its been pretty weighty, at least imo.

for these classic sega franchises im basically a blind fanboy, i will buy this shit without even thinking about LULLZ!!111
Sega Gaming / Re: New Virtua Fighter Game In Development!!111one
« Last post by call_me_sir on December 18, 2024, 06:35:53 AM »
I haven’t played VF in a long time, but this looks pretty decent. I kinda wish they’d turn up the gravity though, VF always feels so floaty to me. But maybe thats just a series staple?
Sega Gaming / New Virtua Fighter Game In Development!!111one
« Last post by spshortman on November 07, 2024, 08:07:17 PM »

this guy who works for sega let it slip during this interview! im buying it no questions asked!111
Console Chat / Re: the super nintendo has the worst sound chip ever!
« Last post by spshortman on October 30, 2024, 03:17:20 AM »
I agree, the Genesis was much better at heavier sounding music. The Snes sounds darker to me, like someone turned the treble way down. That Metroid OST was awesome!

yeah bro, genesis sound mops the fuckin floor with the snes soundchip!111111 even random games like double dragon 3 on the genesis fucking SLAP with the tunes.
Console Chat / Re: The Nintendo Switch
« Last post by spshortman on October 28, 2024, 12:44:28 AM »
I’m kind of addicted to handhelds so probably. That said, Nintendo and their lawyers are a bunch of pricks!

nintendo is pretty strict/efficient with their business. i never liked how quickly they close down servers to their online games!

i guess my complaining doesn't matter too much though, i vote with my dollars and im buying the switch 2 regardless so they're still winning lulz!
Console Chat / Re: the super nintendo has the worst sound chip ever!
« Last post by call_me_sir on October 27, 2024, 05:52:47 AM »
I agree, the Genesis was much better at heavier sounding music. The Snes sounds darker to me, like someone turned the treble way down. That Metroid OST was awesome!
Console Chat / Re: The Nintendo Switch
« Last post by call_me_sir on October 27, 2024, 05:44:30 AM »
callmesir i know you're out there....... are you buying the switch 2? its going to be backwards compatible and it looks like its going to be pretty damn powerful for a tablet.

I’m kind of addicted to handhelds so probably. That said, Nintendo and their lawyers are a bunch of pricks!
Console Chat / Re: The Nintendo Switch
« Last post by spshortman on October 24, 2024, 07:15:53 AM »
callmesir i know you're out there....... are you buying the switch 2? its going to be backwards compatible and it looks like its going to be pretty damn powerful for a tablet.

Console Chat / Re: the super nintendo has the worst sound chip ever!
« Last post by spshortman on October 24, 2024, 06:18:55 AM »
its also hilarious that ken kutaragi aka the father of playstation designed the snes sound chip which nintendo was so impressed with sony was the original partner for the snes cd ad on. fast foward sony gets burned by nintendo and creates the playstation. the shitty sounding snes soundchip basically lead to the playstation LULZ!1111
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