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Author Topic: (OST) Headhunter (DC, PS2) + Headhunter Redemption (PS2, XBOX)  (Read 6320 times)


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Broken links fixed Jan 8, 2011.

Headhunter (DC/PS2) + Headhunter Redemption (PS2/X-Box) OST
by TuxTheWise

I'm uploading this OST disc originally released by the amazing guys of #gamemp3s. Check the readme in the correct folder for more information. There you'll also find the original release files.

Additionally, there is an "Extras" folder. There you'll find some tracks that I extracted from the game that are not contained on the official OST disc, like a remix of Jack's Theme and L.E.I.L.A. simulation songs.

Original readme:
Code: [Select]
-Album Details-

Title:  HEADHUNTER: REDEMPTION / HEADHUNTER Original Soundtrack Recording
Publisher:  La-La Land Records, Inc.
Catalog Number:  LLLCD-1023
Release Date:  September 7th, 2004
Price:  $17.98

-Music Credits-


Music composed, arranged, orchestrated, performed and produced by Richard Jacques


Music composed, arranged, orchestrated and produced by Richard Jacques

Conducted by Steve Lloyd

Music Preparation: Gary Spolding

Performed by the London Session Orchestra

Leader: Rolf Wilson

Recorded at Abbey Road Studios, London

-Extraction Details-

Software:  Exact Audio Copy V0.95 prebeta 5
Extraction Method:  Secure mode with 'Accurate Stream' feature
MP3 Encoder:  LAME 3.90.3
Command Line:  --alt-preset standard
ID3 Tags:  ID3v2.3.0 - complete, ID3v1.1 - abbreviated

Ripped by NightsB on 9/13/04
Included Files:  NFO, SFV, M3U



 1. Main Title
 2. Jack At Ground Level
 3. Leeza's First Mission
 4. Mig Encounter
 5. Perilous Descent
 6. Power and Recycling
 7. Recycling Migs
 8. Into The Tunnels
 9. Manufacturing
10. Making Trouble
11. End Of The Line
12. One-to-One With Che
13. No Man's Land
14. Tunnels To Entertainment
15. Close Quarters
16. The Opposition Plot / "One Day, Some Day..." /
    Leeza Remembers
17. Jack Heads Below
18. Jack Back In Action
19. Research and Execution
20. The Devil's Work
21. Candy Floss
22. The Black Suits
23. Liberty
24. Taking Liberty
25. The 6808
26. End Credits

HEADHUNTER (1:06:07)

 1. Main Title
 2. Escape From The Lab
 3. Meet Angela Stern
 4. The Stern Legacy
 5. Jack's Theme
 6. On The Prowl
 7. Ready For Action
 8. Headhunting
 9. Greywolf
10. Assault On The Mall
11. Fulci's Final Threat
12. Ready For Action (reprise)
13. Ramirez At Bay
14. Aquadome
15. Angela's Quest
16. The Queen Of Hearts
17. A Dark Secret
18. Jack's Dream
19. Zweiberg's Nightmare
20. Final Conflict
21. Game Over
22. End Credits

Play Time:  2:12:38


Publisher:  http://www.lalalandrecords.com/

Exact Audio Copy:  http://www.exactaudiocopy.org/
LAME:  http://www.mp3dev.org/mp3/

-Contact Us-

IRC:  #gamemp3s @ irc.xelium.net
Web:  http://www.skylagoon.com/gamemp3s/

Code: [Select]
Total size: 204mb
http://rapidshare.com/files/257472648/hh_ost.part1.rar OR http://www.sendspace.com/file/tru9ue

Note: Use WinRAR to extract.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 03:03:26 AM by TuxTheWise »


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Re: (OST) Headhunter (DC, PS2) + Headhunter Redemption (PS2, XBOX)
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2009, 06:42:57 PM »
good work, added to index