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Author Topic: Another Memories (J)  (Read 3479 times)


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Another Memories (J)
« on: June 23, 2009, 07:57:52 PM »
REP_PLUS_^-^ presents the game on Sega Saturn System!

Another Memories  (アナザー・メモリーズ)

Front cover

Back cover

Developer, Genre, Type of image


Developer: Starlight Marry

Genre: Adventure

Type of image: img-sub-ccd-cue

Some info

Quote from: segagagadomain.com

 Don't be confused by the front cover art to this game.  It's certainly not a cute Super Deformed adventure game.  In fact the art work on the back cover is more towards the actual game art style.

Completely unplayable to those who lack Japanese ability but for those who don't lack it, you may want to check t his one out.  Beautifully presented with a few mini games thrown in here and there.

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