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Author Topic: Nekketsu Oyako (J)  (Read 5576 times)


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Nekketsu Oyako (J)
« on: June 23, 2009, 07:55:47 PM »

Nekketsu Oyako  ( 熱血親子)

Front cover

Back cover

Developer, Genre, Type of image


Developer: Tecnosoft

Genre: Scrolling Beat'em up ...

Type of image: iso-mp3s-cue

Some info

Quote from: segagagadomain.com

The first of Technosoft's 32bit releases wasn't actually a Sega Saturn game but a PlayStation game which was Nekketsu Oyako.  So as you can guess the Sega Saturn version is a conversion of the PlayStation original.

As you can probably tell from the screen shots on the box, this is a 2D scrolling beat'em up.  Remember them?  Don't seem to see them these days.  Anyway, while some of the stage backgrounds do look a little plain, there's enough to keep your attention so you won't be looking at them too much.  There are 3 characters to choose from and as always the woman seems to be the best.  Just like in any game with 3 selectable characters the woman is he fastest and most agile while another is average with the final character being a slow hefty lump but powerful.  Personally I hate these types.  The game does actually play quite well, keeping me at it until I had finished the game.  It may be no Streets Of Rage 2 but it's certainly an entertaining romp that beat'em up fans should consider.

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Re: Nekketsu Oyako (J)
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2009, 09:30:35 AM »
Thank you for sharing this wonderful over-looked beat-em-up title  8)

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