Black/Matrix / ブラックマトリクス
I wonder, that someone understand my english below, but if yes, you'll be winner!...
It's of course from segasoluce, becasue game was dumping about 8 minutes, every release in iso-ogg is from there too, what a shitty releases...not so good quality of music and picture, becasue of 1x-2x-4x dumping speed...minimum for good quality dump must be always 8x-x12-x16-or more, but NEVER 1x-2x-4x...what a waste of many roberam/segasoluce releases...guy from segasoluce must had really slow hard disc and cd drive...or just was very stupid...grrr...but i'm uploading better quality releases from other site(s): almost every bin-cue/iso-mp3=sega-saturn, mdf-mds=down.99inet, and many others, so i'll resurrect full power of Saturn!!
p.s. But TSS and BM are from segasoluce too...impossible to find on my other sites...arghhh!
Front cover(s)

Back cover
Developer, Genre
Developer: NEC Inter Channel
Genre: Simulation RPG
Some info
You may have seen this on the Dreamcast so you're probably wondering why I have it here for the Saturn. The truth is that the DC version was a conversion of this Saturn game that was released in 1998 near the end of the Saturn's life. Visually it's pretty much the same as the Dreamcast version bar the really poor FMV introduction. NEC really did their worst with the True Motion encoding on this title. I've never seen True Motion look so bad. Anyway, the game is a demonic simulation RPG that should appeal to fans of the gender but that's about it. It may be better picking this one up on the Dreamcast since it normally goes for a cheaper price than this Saturn version.
Programs, which are useful for Sega Saturn type of images:
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Please, if you would be kind enough, use this thread just to say thanks and comment on the game itself.