DUKE NUKEM 3D (EURopean ver.)
Developer, Genre
Developer: 3D Realms...Prepare Yourself for total meltdown!
Genre: FPS...of course
Some info
Cheat codes
Debug Mode
At the main menu hold X, Y, Z, L, and R for about 15 seconds until input info on appears at the bottom of the screen. During the game there will be some debugging info at the top of the screen.
All weapons
Pause the game and press Z, X, X, Z, Y, Z, Y, X, Y.
God Mode
Pause the game and press X, Z, Z, X, Y, X, Y, Z, Y.
Level select
At the MAIN MENU screen press X, Y, Z, Z, Y, X, Y, Z, Y.
Turok Style Control
Pause the game at at any time and press Y, Y, Z, Z, X, X, Y, X, Z for Turok style controls. Here are the controls:
A:open door/Drink/Action
C:straf right
X:use item
Y:straf left
Z:Walk Forward
D-padUp/Down: Select item
D-Pad/Left/Right:Select Weapon
How to get the hidden game DEATH TANK Zwei
Load one time the game with a saving of EXHUMED or QUAKE in the memory. DEATH TANK will appear on the main menu. If you haven't got EXHUMED or QUAKE, you can get DEATH TANK Zwei if you shoot and destroy EVERY toilet and urinals in the game (except the giant one at stage UREA 51) and finish the game. The hidden game should then appear.
No Monsters
At the Skill Level screen enter Z, Z, X, X, Y, X, Y, X, Z and the new skill level No Monsters will appear.
Programs, which are useful for Sega Saturn type of images:
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