Deep Fear EJ
(almost the same version as un-released USA version)
What is better/upgraded in my release in opposition to european version
Deep Fear EJ:
- is optimized game for 60 Hz hardware without any loss on screen, so it works in FULL SCREEN in opposition to E version,
- screen and video (just as in every 60Hz game) are centered and no line is missing on screen in the ingame part in opposition to E version played on usa/jap consoles,
- is working with the same speed as J release (both played on 60Hz),
- my image has done with files from very high quality dump (in bin/cue downloaded from my most trusted site), so you'll get propably the highest quality of image, which is currently avaliable to download on any of the sites,
- all videos are in english and all speeches, and they do not have japanesse subtitles,
- all scripts(99% of them) are in english,
- screen, which will inform you how many blocks in the memory you will need to do the save (= 82 blocks), has strange "moved" font
- two short messages in save screen has "moved" font
- names of notes in "FILE" has "moved" font, but all texts in notes are displaying perfect
- has subtitles in japanesse for cut-scenes with english voices,
- is almost the same game as unreleased U ver., but of course my release is basing on completed files from released E and J versions,
- finally it's fully playable for english speakers, which have 60Hz Saturns.
Game has E region, becasue i have european Saturn 60Hz/50Hz with the switch. And i've used swap trick to boot it.
Use SRP to change region of the game to region of your console.
p.s. Remember to burn it on good media, becasue console's all the time reading cd with the game (and spinning it).
p.s.2 Yes, game is far better from RE1. Thanks to me of course
and my modified release !!
Sega, but i've done the better image and modified files, so ^_^;
Survival Horror
Some info
Sega's answer to Capcom's Bio Hazard series. Deep Far has no zombies but mutant creatures. The game takes place in an under water research base that has been infested with biowaste. All hell brakes lose so it's up to our hero to save the day. Deep Fear features some really nice graphics that are on par with Bio Hazards as well as plenty of blood (^v^) The playability is a little fiddly at first but you'll soon become accustom to them. A special mention must go to the music in the game. Composed by Kenji Kawai who is responsible for many soundtracks to Japanese animation such as Ranma 1/2 and Patlabor. It's just a shame that the person in change of the voice acting wasn't as selective as the person in charge of the music.
Some info from Saturn Region Patcher for the Disc 1
Saturn TXT Export by SRP v2.1a using "Standard Export" option
Header Information Taken From a Saturn Image :
CD Label : DeepFearEJTrack01
Game Title : DEEP FEAR
Serial Number : MK-81804
Version : V1.001
Internal Date : 19980713
Device Information : CD-1/2
Area Code(s) : E
Peripheral Code(s) : JE
Total Number of Tracks : Unknown
Total Number of Data Tracks : Unknown
Total Number of Audio Tracks : Unknown
Creation Date : 2009/06/10
Creation Time : 20:53:19:00
Modification Date : 2009/06/10
Modification Time : 20:53:19:00
Effective Date : 0000/00/00
Effective Time : 00:00:00:00
Expiration Date : 2009/06/10
Expiration Time : 20:53:19:00
Manually Added Information (Found Directly on the CD) :
CD Made In : 

Matrix Information : 

Some info from Saturn Region Patcher for the Disc 2
Saturn TXT Export by SRP v2.1a using "Standard Export" option
Header Information Taken From a Saturn Image :
CD Label : DeepFearEJ2Track01
Game Title : DEEP FEAR
Serial Number : MK-81804
Version : V1.001
Internal Date : 19980713
Device Information : CD-2/2
Area Code(s) : E
Peripheral Code(s) : JE
Total Number of Tracks : Unknown
Total Number of Data Tracks : Unknown
Total Number of Audio Tracks : Unknown
Creation Date : 2009/06/11
Creation Time : 09:56:14:00
Modification Date : 2009/06/11
Modification Time : 09:56:14:00
Effective Date : 0000/00/00
Effective Time : 00:00:00:00
Expiration Date : 2009/06/11
Expiration Time : 09:56:14:00
Manually Added Information (Found Directly on the CD) :
CD Made In : 

Matrix Information : 

Size of image/ archive, Type of image
Disc 1:
537 MB/ 361 MB, iso/wav/cue
number of archives: 4
tested and archive is not corrupted
Disc 2:
512 MB/ 343 MB, iso/wav/cue
number of archives: 4
tested and archive is not corrupted
Download links & Pass
Disc 1:
Disc 2:
ALL FREE PROGS in *.zip, which are useful for Sega Saturn games,
you can download from:
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Please, if you would be kind enough, use this thread just to say thanks and comment on the game itself.