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Author Topic: Grandia Prelude Disc / グランディア ~プレリュード~ (J)  (Read 5231 times)


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Grandia Prelude Disc / グランディア ~プレリュード~

Front cover

Genre & Number of players & More info

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rpg / other & 1


This is a preview and demo disc for the game Grandia.
It includes two playable levels - the first is the opening level of the full game.
The other is on a volcano level not seen in the full game.
It also has a character profile mode and various trailers of the full version.

Developer & Released in

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GAME ARTS & 1997

Size & Extension, Type of image

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164 MB & *.rar, bin/cue

Download links & Pass

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without pass, becasue it's not worth it ^_-

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  • fat can dodge
how much of this game is in english?

good work, all your games are added to index up to this point


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I actually never played in that game, so you can check it for yourself.
But it's Grandia, so it'll be for sure fantastic even if it's in japanesse.
p.s. I played in japanesse full version of Grandia on Saturn, and it's definitely better than on ps1!
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Elite Evil

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Grandia 1 was only released in the west on PS1 but the Saturn port was meant to be better...

Freedom headquarters!


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Almost any Saturn game, which was converted to ps1 is worse than orginal, becasue Saturn has more built in RAM. Too has more cache 512 KB for reading cd-roms than ps1= only 32 KB, so ps1 has longer loading times anyway, that both consoles has reading speed 2x.
Finally don't forget, that Saturn has extra slot for 1MB/4Mb cardritge, so it's very good score and large amount of RAM for 1995 year where it was released.
And ps1 just can't do it, becasue of lack in RAM and maybe something else ;D, it doesn't have two processors- one for 2d graphics, and one for 3d and it was developed only for 3d graphics, so every 2d game can't be just better looking than on saturn.

Ps1'll be sucking for me FOREVER!
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