Title....: Eldorado Gate 3 (J) -Nuked Supplier.: Hykan - Date.....: 12/12/2010 Selfboot.: Hykan - Genre....: RPG Platform.: SEGA DC - Files....: 15x20MB Origin...: JAP/NTSC - Filename.: Hyk-EG3-Nuke.partxx.rar Type.....: .nrg 80min - Ripped...: Nothing________________________________________________________________________________ Release Notes- ----------------------------- -Yes, you read it right - this release is nuked. However it works way better thanthe Eurasia release. It is released for die hard Dreamcast fans who insisted torun games on a real Dreamcast.The game has been ripped and tested to be working as noted below personally bymyself on a Pal and a Jap console.Problems with Eurasia release:1. All items found are 7 Senis.2. Attack option in battle mode is disabled.3. Enemies have no AI, You have to tell them what to do.4. In scenario 7, you can't hire Pannel and can't hire the Sailor.5. You can't wake up Rayfish who blocks you way to the final boss.6. In scenario 8, you can't take the ship to Sengo Island.7. There is no save point after you have completed the game.Note from point 4 onward, you actually can't proceed the game without using a"Cheat" save file.My release have all but point 6 solved.To get pass point 6, you have a few option: A. Use my save file included with the release but you will miss out the whole Sengo Island as there is no save point there and it will be destroyed after you have finished it. In this island you will get a few key items, an Emblem and an orga stone that even ADK's FAQ missed. B. Save when you reach point 6 and then take this save file and run EG3 GDI with an emulator and save after you have finished the Island. (Don't argue. I have told you this is for die hard fans) Rip notes (technical)- ----------------------------- -*The following notes are a bit technical and is useless to 99% of the users.*The info is intended for technical users who know what they are doing and if*they found anything wrong with my procedures, they can correct me or perhaps*release a ppf.Capcom have throw in a ton of protections into this game (well, when comparedwith later volumes of this game, its nothing!)1. LBA checks Easily fixed by using LBA 45000 scheme.2. Country Check Check if IP.BIN (in memory) contains a "U" in the "JUE" string. If yes, All items found will be 7 Senis and Attack option in battle mode will be disabled. If "JUE" is not "J ", enemies will have no AI. These can be easily fixed by setting IP.BIN to "J " but then it won't boot in USA and Europe consoles. Using CDX to boot the "J" game in foreign consoles will render enemies to have no AI too. I have found the "U" check routines but not the "J " routines. So I wrote a small piece of code to run at the beginning of 1st_read.bin to patch the in memory "JUE" string to "J " as they are not needed after the game booted.3. GD Tracks Checks Check that the LBA of Track 3 is 45000. since I used 45000 D/D format, there is no track 3, so I redirected it to check track 2. This fixes point 5 and 7 above. I have to give Credits to Echelon for this fix since I learnt this from their fixes in EG4 to EG6. (Note I have tried a 45000 A/D with 3 tracks that match the LBA structure of a GD but this won't fix point 6 so I revert to my favorite 45000 D/D format.)I won't list the codes here. Instead, I have included the original 1st_read.binfor those who are interested to compare them.Final Notes:Like all of my previous releases, the images were created with a variation ofEchelon's method and hex edited directly into Nero format without burning to CDRfirst.- ----------------------------- -GreetsGosseyn , Rayearth , blibbero , NU-NRG & all contributing members of Sega Palace